August 2, 2017

Chakras and endocrine System Part 2

The endocrine system and its spiritual chakra connections:
1. Sex organs/root chakra-The testes and ovaries are sex organs responsible for sex androgens, or hormones. They communicate with the pituitary to secrete monthly progesterone and estrogen or surges of testosterone depending on gender and age. If these hormone ratios become abnormal, then one might witness precocious puberty at younger ages, more reproductive/prostate cancers, painful menses, weight gain, abnormal menses and sex drive, mood changes, depression or increased acne. There would also be an increase in infertility with imbalanced levels. Sound familiar?  The spiritual connection to the sex organs comes with the root chakra, which is responsible for safety and basic needs, and connected to the reproductive glands. You can see how molestation or rape would affect one’s safety and trust issues, damaging this chakra through direct physical abuse of the gland.
2. Adrenal glands/reproductive organs/sacral chakra: The adrenal glands sit atop each kidney and are responsible for the rush of warm, frantic energy you get right after you avoid a car accident. We all know that feeling! If constantly stimulated by stress or trauma, the adrenals can burn out as they ensure proper adrenaline or epinephrine as well as cortisol release. The adrenals’ claim to fame is the “flight or fight” syndrome. Imagine what years of competitive schooling or a continuously stress work environment does to our poor adrenals? Unfortunately, western medicine continues to turn its nose up at adrenal fatigue syndrome.  The adrenals are connected to the sacral chakra, which is responsible for some of the sexual organs as well as the adrenal gland, oversees immunity, emotion and vitality. It can easily be burned out from suppressing emotions or adrenal fatigue due to chronic stress and release of the “flight or fight” hormones.
3. Pancreas/biliary tract/solar plexus chakra– The pancreas is a gland located just above the stomach and digestive tract in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is crucial in glucose uptake and conversion of energy for building blocks. In response to eating a meal, it releases digestive pancreatic enzymes and ushers in bile, necessary for proper breakdown of nutrients. It is also the only gland in the body capable of making and secreting insulin, which exports glucose into cells. Damage to this organ system is common and results in diabetes and pancreatitis.  The solar plexus chakra, the center of willpower, confidence and ego, is connected to the pancreas and biliary tract. It oversees digestion, detoxification, bravery in groups, and self esteem. Not knowing oneself, indecisiveness, or extreme fear can produce bowel and digestion issues, disrupt beneficial gut flora and damage the solar plexus chakra.
4. Thymus gland/heart chakra– The thymus helps to produce killer T cells, which are experts are in recognizing foreign invaders within the body. The thymus’s function is also somewhat of a mystery although it is linked to immune function. We do know that it is responsible for a large part of our immune system that is located in the lymph system. It is located behind the sternum, near the heart and begins to shrink after puberty. The heart chakra, connected to the thymus gland, helps regulate the nervous system, anxiety, compassion, and harmony. Damage to the heart chakra is common in western countries due to left brained energy, justice over mercy and the standard American diet. As you can see, the fatty, chemical filled food in the west damages the heart musculature and forms plaques in the arteries. Coupled with less compassion towards others and an overworked heart muscle, this is a recipe for a closed chakra and heart disease. Think about how many Americans have chest pain, cardiac stents or open heart surgery. Diet plays a large role, but is not the only factor in this epidemic. You can stimulate immunity and produce relaxation by tapping on your sternum to awaken the thymus gland.
5. Thyroid/throat chakra– The thyroid is a small gland located at the throat, below the Adam’s apple.  It is a sensitive gland that helps to regulate the body’s metabolism. The thyroid requires iodine, a member of the halide family, to function properly. It can be offset by any other halide which can take its place, such as bromide in bread, chlorine in pools and hot tubs, and fluoride in water (which comes from China’s toxic waste)! The throat chakra, connected to the thyroid gland, governs expression and freedom of speech. If overactive, you might be domineering and a poor listener. If underactive, you might feel suppressed in your true feelings. It becomes damaged by not speaking your personal truth or telling yourself lies. This is also common in western countries.  Unfortunately, the toxins in today’s world are able to offset the thyroid rather easily. Moreover, most people also feel their voice is suppressed in their job or daily life. This is also a recipe for an autoimmune condition of the thyroid due to emotional damage to the chakra.
6. Pineal/pituitary/third eye chakra-The pineal gland is somewhat of a mystery to western medicine, however for thousands of years, it has been the center of spirituality in eastern countries. It is known to help regulate sleep wake cycles through the release of melatonin. It also helps to regulate sexual maturation. Recent breakthrough studies have shown that it has the potential to release a psychoactive, short-lived substance responsible for enlightenment in mediation and near death experiences. Known as the third eye, it is located behind the optic nerve at the center of the brain. The third eye, or Ajna chakra is connected to the pineal gland and pituitary gland. The pineal gland is easily calcified due to fluoride in water by age 17 on MRI scans. This is your spiritual antenna to the ether and your higher self. If damaged, you will be separated from source and your sixth senses. Luckily this is reversible with proper care and detoxification. The pineal gland is also thought to possibly secrete DMT, a natural psychoactive substance that is postulated to be responsible for near death experiences and deep meditation. The pituitary is one of the main control centers in the brain that helps to control release of hormones using a complex biofeedback loop finally affecting target organs.
7. Pineal/pituitary/nervous system/crown chakra-The crown chakra is also the pineal and pituary gland plus the nervous system. It is the center of enlightenment and spiritual connection. It is cone shaped and is in the middle of the brain behind and above the pituitary gland. It is necessary for these two organs to work together in opening the third eye.  Eastern traditions have postulated that the pituitary is the masculine energy whereas the pineal is the feminine energy and they meet in the third ventricle, where there is union of spirit. Together they force us to look inward for change and proper action, but only when we are connected to our higher self and the present moment. These forces also work to properly run all biologic and higher sensing intellectual functions.

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