May 30, 2016

Do you feel the freshness of the air, the earthy oh-so-lovely aroma of wet soil after a rain shower? It's like the earth is rejoicing after a cleansing bath and letting her joy be known. 
  I felt something similar today when I opened my eyes after meditation. I had been letting go of a certain fear which had come up last night, and after cleansing my mind of the last wisps of it, I just sat in calm serenity for a while. 
  As I opened my eyes slowly, the morning sunlight seemed softer, though brighter, as if the lens of the spectacles I was wearing had just been cleaned. 
  The inner cleansing is as or more important than the outer ablutions. It makes our vision clearer, the hearing keener, all the senses are heightened because the filters within are clean and unclogged. 
  The inner filters get clogged with years of conditioning ourselves to fit in set moulds. These moulds are of our own making, made by our understanding of how how our lives should be and how we should be fulfilling our different roles to fit that life. 
  Any 'should' that you come across, is to be examined minutely to trace back it's origin. The moulds will then be clearer, so also our need to fit in will be deiphered. 
  It's a journey and it's definitely not for the weak-hearted. It needs courage, sweat of the brow, and an honesty to self. 
  It's journey all right, but again it will be as speedy or as scenic as you decide it will be. 

May 23, 2016

  It's been a lazy Sunday and with a rejuvenating nap behind me, I've been sitting and watching the X-Men series. 
  It's about mutants and how they struggle against ordinary 'human' prejudices and persecutions. Well .. You already know that. 
  It set me to think about how we judge and persecute ourselves in order to fit in with the societal and familial norms. 
  So many obstacles in the form of discrimination and prejudices litter our path. We spend our childhood years learning values and how to be 'good' members of society. 
  In the process we collect so much of emotional trauma and baggage. We choose to tone down or totally mask our true selves in order to 'fit in'.
  It leads us into mental anguish and diseases when at some stage in life our being rebels against these self-imposed shackles. Little do we realise that we have chosen to live this way!
  A few of us are lucky enough to realise that this is not the way it ought to be and are open enough to seek help; to make sense of what seems so chaotic. Life ie.
   We at De Mantraa welcome you to come and make sense of your lives and to discover your true purpose. 
  Having gone through our own journeys and having truly discovered ourselves, we are better able to understand the confusion and the despair that engulfs when it's difficult to me sense of life. 
  Come to De Mantraa and find yourself!

May 18, 2016

 What is it like to have a fixed income and see it depleting fast? Hardly anything is left with half the month still to go. 
  People believe it's their income that determines their lifestyle. The truth is that our beliefs determine our reality, be it physical, emotional or financial. 
  How can we allow ourselves to become rich if we believe deep in our hearts that money is the root of all evil?
  How can we amass wealth if we believe that the comforts of a luxurious lifestyle will make us lose our health n sleep?
  It is essential for us to let go of these beliefs which are rooted within us, and recondition ourselves with empowering ones.
  At De Mantraa,  people come for life turnaround and coaching. Within a few months they see their life changing as they open their arms and hearts to new ways of thinking, and achieve their dreams which they hadn't even acknowledged till a few months back.

May 11, 2016

I had a coaching session with a client today; this person is very much into the whole comfort zone of his own problems. 
  Huh?! Comfort zone of own 'problems'!!! How is it a comfort zone, you may wonder! 
  Isn't that what we all do when we crib and complain about how and why we are hampered by others and the situations around us? How we have no option but to go through what we do because of x, y or z reasons! 
  So isn't it a very comfortable zone to be in? If it is someone or something else's problem, then how can it be yours? 
  So, it's okay to be in the mess that most of us would be, than take the onus of what and where we are; because then we would have also the responsibility of moving from where the blankie is so comfy. 
  It requires mettle and courage to accept that we reach wherever we do owing to the choices we make, and also it is our choice to remain where we are, or to make a move to get out of it if we don't like it.

May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day :)

 Hi ... It's Mother's Day today ... 
We at De Mantraa have these families coming to us as a whole where we see the mother in the pivotal role. 
  A mother or the woman, is the foundation of the whole family. The way in which the woman manages the canvas with the different colorful members  defines the family. 
  Be it a stay-at-home mom or a professional, she has her work cut out for her. 
  How a woman views herself affects her interactions with her whole family. Children learn from observation more than what they are taught. 
  On this Mother's Day, we at De Mantraa wish all women; wish them the sight to see themselves as they are, the beautiful, capable, and magnificent women that they are.

May 7, 2016

Wellness At De Mantraa

  Hi folks ... We invite you today to walk into the De Mantraa Blog. We at De Mantraa take care of your holistic wellness and personal excellence.
    At De Mantraa we look after any client's persona as a whole. The mind is the imp that controls our being, and the way we think gives us good health, or the lack thereof.
   We all work and react to our perceptions of the world around us. We go through life collecting experiences and forming our beliefs according to the judgments that we make about these experiences. 
   Beliefs can hinder our path or can propel us forward. A belief can be as simple as ' Life is easy' or 'Life is difficult'. 
   So if I believe that life is easy then in any situation I will look at what works for me and I go ahead proving my belief to be true. 
   On the other hand, if I believe that life is difficult then I will look at what doesn't work for me in any situation, and I will prove to myself again that what I believe is true. 
   So I perceive my life and my experiences through the colored lens of my spectacles of my beliefs. 
   I would then get set in the patterns of my beliefs and go through life with conviction that I'm right. 
   I would suppress whatever I actually feel, if my emotion didn't match my belief. eg If I believe that to be a good person I need to be kind at all times, then I would maybe neglect myself every time someone needs my attention even if I want to be someplace else or I want to do something else. 
    I would then justify to myself that it's important to be kind because I'm a good person, so it's okay to postpone or to ignore my needs. 
   So the child in me feels neglected by the judgmental adult in me. This child then makes its presence felt every time I do the same thing by maybe giving me a headache, or maybe a cold, or an allergy. This can get aggravated and become a permanent feature, like a disease, if ignored long enough.
   The body tells us what is actually felt by us. 
   This is the connection which is well-understood by us at De Mantraa. 
   Any ailment or disease is dealt with at all levels. The root cause is identified at the level of the mind and emotions, and the healing is started at the body and mind level both. 
   We at De Mantraa introduce the client to their true selves and to see how beautiful they are within, that it's okay to be and to live as their true selves. 
We help them create and achieve their vision in all the eight aspects of their lives; through one-on-one coaching, organisational and public workshops, 
   With this blog, we want to give a glimpse into our wondrous journey  at De Mantraa. We will give you our experiences, which we hope will be as special for you as they are for us.

What is De Mantraa

   De Mantraa - A heaven for anyone who chooses to get in touch with their true self. 
   It is the VISION of, and brought to life by Dr. Meghana Dikshit. She is a Health and SuccessCoach practicing since 20 years. 
   In her practice she would see people getting cured of severe ailments and return to good health; but they would be back with the same disease after a few years in spite of the care being taken. 
   This brought the awareness to her that disease is seen on the body but its roots are deep within, in the mind and emotions. 
   Now at De Mantraa, she works with Dr.Naveen Dikshit ,Ms. Nayan Agarwal, Ms.Supriti Singh and Harssh Singh in bringing the individuals and organisations to equilibrium and balance to thrive in life.
De Mantraa's MISSION is to impact and empower 1 million people break free from their limitations to live a life of freedom and joy by 2020.